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Meredith first and foremost, considers

herself, a Yogi.


She is a certified Bikram, Vinyasa, and Yoga Sculpt Instructor who has been

teaching since 2008.

Meredith is also a Certified Personal Trainer, a Group Fitness and Spin

Instructor, as well as a Sports Nutritionist.


Meredith has been referred to as a

"Serial Entrepreneur".


Meredith is the owner and designer of Hotdrop Apparel, a men's hot yoga

clothing company, and the creator of the Shape Up Program. Shape Up is a

12 week diet and exercise program.

She created the Hot Hatha Sculpt program to teach studios around the world how to fuse together yoga and resistance training to create a more balanced body and mind.


Meredith lives and works in Boston, MA where she trains her private clients and teaches yoga and fitness classes at several gyms and studios.  

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Meredith offers several retreats
per year.  Ranging from sea and sun 
to mountain views.

Each retreat is jammed packed with yoga, fitness, and clean eating.


Are you interested in becoming
a yoga sculpt or vinyasa fusion teacher?  


Studio owners: 

are you ready to add Hot Hatha Sculpt or Hot Hatha Fusion to your class line up?  


Meredith is available for private
personal training, yoga sessions,
and clean cooking lessons.


Guest Teaching and Seminars are also available.


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