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Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Pop-Tarts

As a kid I loved Pop-Tarts. As an adult I would never touch them because of all the preservatives and sugar. Here is a healthier...

3 Yummy Salad Dressings

I always keep a few different homemade salad dressings in the fridge so they are always ready! Here are 3 of my favorite recipes: Maple...

Cumin Shrimp Salad with Corn Salsa

One of my favorite summer dishes! Super easy, fresh and light. Even though its not quite summer yet..... What I used: 3 oz raw shrimp...


I have learned to cook a lot of amazing things from the Italians since I have spent so much time in Rome. This dish I learned from a man...

"Jungle Juice"

I started making this smoothie when I was about 17 when I would start to feel a cold coming on. My family always made fun of me and my...

Beet Soup

You can't beat a beet! They're not only chock-full of essential everyday nutrients like B vitamins, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium,...

Gluten Free Cinnamon Toast Crunch

My neighbor, who I adore, LOVES cereal and since I insist on everything being clean I decided to see if I could make a clean(ish) version...

Chicken Ragu

Normally people use a chicken carcass for soups and things like that. I decided to make this red sauce with what was left over from my...

Gluten Free Bread

Even though I am not entirely gluten free, I do try to avoid gluten when I can. I love this recipe because I can make it a sweet or a...

Crock Pot Chicken

On nights that I teach late, which is most nights, I like to throw something into the slow cooker so that when I get home there is...

#MuffinClub Protein Muffins

I eat these muffins EVERYDAY. They are the perfect ratio of protein, carbs and fat, but besides that they are delicious. Try them and...

Pad Thai

Pad Thai is so delicious but I am always hesitant to order this dish because it is so high in carbs and fat. Some versions have anywhere...

2 Amazing Pizza Crusts!

Who doesn't LOVE pizza? I mean the sauce, the cheese, the crust....oh yeah, the crust, the carbs....UGH maybe I shouldn't eat it! Does...

Gluten Free English Muffin

This muffin looks like it came down from heaven and when you eat it you will think the same. A friend of mine shared with me a Paleo...

Grain-Free Paella

Paella is a rice dish with ancient roots that originated in the mid 19th century on the east coast of Spain. The Spaniards would be so...

Vegan Pesto

Pesto- an Italian sauce that originated in Genoa and typically contains garlic, basil, pine nuts, olive oil, parmesan cheese and sheep's...

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